Eleanor Elaine Phoenix
1 min readJul 27, 2020


Mercury. Metals. And. Mercy.

I wish I knew where to go from here.

A mercurial mess of metallic minerals and mercy. A human.

Our spiritual alchemist asks us to speak to the storm and speak to our humanness to see if we are shining?

Jesus was a spiritual alchemist. He was mercurial. And miraculous. According to the Bible he spit on mud and made an eyeball. I ate a mud pie once. Does that make me magical too?

Humans would do well to understand alchemical spirituality during our Covid crisis. The taste of metal in the mouth can indicate an imbalance in the frequency. Meditation And Medicine are complimentary of each other.

Prayer is asking the universe for Mercy on feeling the metallic portion of our DNA.

Our emotions are similar to water and broken glass but our minds are more metal and wind.

What’s your Magical Moment like? Mine is full of Mercury, Metals and Mercy.

And I just happened to like this picture.




Eleanor Elaine Phoenix

Daring Satire By One Daring Muse. ELEANOR ELAINE PHOENIX Star light, Star Bright. You burnt my toast and made me write.