“I Control The Beast.”

Eleanor Elaine Phoenix
3 min readApr 13, 2023
Pixaby.com Photo Credit to SarahRichterArt

In the Strangest of Times, My Heart Has Healed.

It’s because I have control over the beast inside of me.

In the most difficult of circumstances, I decided to love myself first, and forgive myself for any and all degrees of separation I had created withing myself by putting up a wall against another living beings, including man, woman and/or beast.

Why would I have built up walls of anger, frustration, over-sensitivity and complacency against my fellow human?

Because I have been cheated on, robbed, stabbed in the back, used, talked about and mocked. But guess what? I control the beast.

What would happen if you controlled the beast? Did you know if you had enough awareness to know when someone is unauthentic with you, is underhanded in their motives, and has hatred towards your happiness, you could spin the wheel on them, shake your tail at them and walk away with a grin and then, maybe you may be able to control the beast.

The beast inside of us, sees people in the context of their language. How do they talk to you? Are they always telling you what to do, who to love, and what to wear? Are people in your world, critical and judgmental of you concerning where you spend your time, your energy, your education or your upbringing?

Maybe it’s your color of skin, your religion, politics, your freedom of speech, your choice of partnerships and your incredible ability to create happiness in spite of humans daunting desire to control their own beast. Most people have not yet figured out how to do so, so they are miserable and they want you to feel the same way.

People can be very brooding, jealous, back-biting and sometimes very rude. People can be mingy (a mix of mean and stingy), and people like to meddle. They like to use you, talk about you behind your back and watch you so they can laugh when you fall down.

What I like best about controlling the beast is that it has taught me how to take an inventory of my surroundings (like a wild animal) and I know when this is happening to me and I am blessed to be a direct associate to the Holy Spirit who shows me all, (well almost all) of what is said about me when I am out of range. That is a great way to control the beast inside of you. KNOW WHAT PEOPLE ARE THINKING! You can tap into this great cosmic awareness with meditation, prayer and spiritual work. Once your beast sees their beast, many times the RUN!

I do not know if it is a gift or a curse to have that much control over the beast, by my beast knows when your beast is prowling around me and I can sniff out a toxic person like a bloodhound so I think it is a gift. I think it is a gift because I have healed myself from accepting shade from those people and even if they are the closest of companions, family or comrades in the workplace, I still know, the beast inside of each person really wants to be tamed.

I pray one day all human beings know how to tame their beast. If they tame the beast inside of themselves we would have less war, less crime and less hatred in the world. People would be more prosporous, generous and genuine. I think the only time unleashing the beast is warranted (spiritually, not physically) on another person, is when that person has no idea how to tame their own beast. Then by all means, show them your teeth. Keep your beast on a chain but learn how to control your beast. It will help you heal.




Eleanor Elaine Phoenix

Daring Satire By One Daring Muse. ELEANOR ELAINE PHOENIX Star light, Star Bright. You burnt my toast and made me write.